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Shenzhen Xinchuangjia Optoeletronic Technology Co., Ltd.
कस्टम निर्माता
मुख्य उत्पादों: फोन स्क्रीन, फोन बैटरी, फोन भागों
मिला हुआ रैंक नं.2 मोबाइल फोन LCDs में सबसे लोकप्रियYears in industry(5)Full customizationODM services availableTotal floorspace (2,246㎡)


शीर्ष चुनाव
देखें अधिक
जहाज के लिए तैयार
Our advantages
why choose us?
--- Strictly quality control,tested one by one before shipping out. --- Directly factory with Reasonable and competitive price. --- Fast Delivery,shipping the goods within 1-2 days after confirm payment (stock) --- Excellent Service, 2 years guarantee for all new replacement Lcds parts.
10 years FactoryTC factory focus iPhone screen More than 10 years .
800K pieces The comprehensive monthly shipment of 800K pieces.
Wholesale priceWe have reduced redundant middlemen and are real factory direct sales, letting profit to customers
Our after-sales policy Exclusive 24-month long warranty. Damaged free replacement, Buy more at ease.