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Shenzhen Xinchuangjia Optoeletronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Nhà sản xuất tùy chỉnh
Sản Phẩm chính: Màn Hình điện thoại, Điện Thoại Pin, Bộ Phận Điện Thoại
Thứ tự xếp hạng2 phổ biến nhất trong LCD điện thoại di độngYears in industry(5)Full customizationODM services availableTotal floorspace (2,246㎡)


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Our advantages
why choose us?
--- Strictly quality control,tested one by one before shipping out. --- Directly factory with Reasonable and competitive price. --- Fast Delivery,shipping the goods within 1-2 days after confirm payment (stock) --- Excellent Service, 2 years guarantee for all new replacement Lcds parts.
10 years FactoryTC factory focus iPhone screen More than 10 years .
800K pieces The comprehensive monthly shipment of 800K pieces.
Wholesale priceWe have reduced redundant middlemen and are real factory direct sales, letting profit to customers
Our after-sales policy Exclusive 24-month long warranty. Damaged free replacement, Buy more at ease.